Business Administration Local and global integrating is the process toward globalization that is a mechanism makes a quick improvement in Cambodia on every sector especially business field.To meet the need of betterment of business sector, Faculty of Business Administration of Svay Rieng University play vital role in human resources development by providing a standard business administration skills due to market places and employment with high quality. MISSION To equip students with strength in business knowledge, skills, competency, and values to become intelligent people in order to cope with the change in the needs of societies. OBJECTIVES - To provide students with strong theorical and applied knowledge in business management. - To develop qualified graduates for a competitive labor market. - To strengthen students` ability to anticipate and analyze social challenges that confronts managers in the business environment. DEPARTMENTS FBA consists of 4 Departments: - Department of Accounting - Department of Finance and Banking - Department of Management - Department of Marketing CONTACT Ms Phalla SUONG Vice-Dean Faculty of Business Administration Mobile: +855 11 709 719 E-mail: suongphalla@sru.edu.kh OFFICE Faculty of Business Administration (Room A005) Tel: +855 44 715 776 Fax: +855 44 715 778 E-mail: info@sru.edu.kh Website: www.sru.edu.kh |