R&D Office

  • To undertake research and cooperation for the University to improve service to the community
  • Research
  • Disseminations
  • Study Satisfaction
  • Student Employment
  • Scholarship Announcement
  • Local and International Cooperation
Mr Veasna CHHAY
Chief of Research and Development Office
Mobile: 015 626 676 / 017 626 676
E-mail: veasnachhay@sru.edu.kh

Mr Veasna CHHAY has been working in Svay Rieng University since he graduated Bachelor of Education from Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) in 2006. He received a degree of Master of Education and was formally promoted to be a chief of Research and Development office in 2009.

In 2015, he successfully graduated another Master of Education Studies from University of Canberra, Australia, as a scholar fellowship provided by HEQCIP partially funded by the World Bank. He is now returning for plenty plans of the office and University reformation and development.
Dr Mardy SEREY, PhD
Deputy Head of Research and Development Office
Mobile: 012 665 161
E-mail: mardyserey@sru.edu.kh

Dr Mardy SEREY graduated bachelor of Law from the Royal University of Law and Economics in 2005 and Master of Science in Agricultural Economic Development from the Royal University of Agriculture in 2007. He then received one-year training course certificate in pedagogical skills from the National Institute of Education in 2006. He officially becomes a lecturer of Svay Rieng University as passing the exam selected by MoEYS in February 2008. He is teaching various subjects on rural development in the Faculty of Agriculture. In December 2009 he was appointed as a Deputy Head of Research and Development office.

He successfully achieved Doctoral Degree in 2014 from Hanoi University of Agriculture on the topic of Cassava Development Strategy in Cambodia.

Room: C004, Administration Building, Svay Rieng University
Tel:   (+855) 44 715 776
         (+855) 17 626 676
         (+855) 15 626 676
Fax:  (+855) 44 715 778


Date:20 Dec, 2017


Date:20 Dec, 2017