Erasmus+ Programme


The importance of relations between HEIs and their socio-economic environment has become a topical issue in the last 20 years, being stressed in Europe within the current ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’. Employability of university graduates and ensuring stronger relevance of universities’ activities within their economic environment has moved high on the political agenda. Whereas in European countries relations between universities and enterprises have been developed and intensified during the past decade, PC HEIs need support and transfer of good practices for the creation of strategies and instruments in this domain; integrating lessons learned in Europe in the experiences and needs from the different target PCs constitutes an essential pillar of the project.
Taking into account initial need analysis, the project globally aims at contributing to the socio-economic development in the PCs by strengthening linkages between universities and enterprises in terms of cooperation and partnerships.
Within that global purpose, specific objectives of Hub4Growth are:
1. Strengthening managerial, strategic and administrative capacities of personnel of the 8 PC HEIs for the implementation of university-wide collaboration with local enterprises.
2. Establishment and pilot implementation of interface structures (University-Enterprise Centres, UECs) and services for the development and maintenance of universities-enterprises cooperation at the 8 PC HEIs.


Date:23 Jan, 2018

The importance of relations between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their socio-economic environment has become a topical issue in the last 20 years, being stressed in Europe within the current ‘Europe 2020 Strategy’. Employability of university graduates and ensuring stronger relevance of universities’ activities within their economic environment has moved high on the political agenda. Whereas in European countries relations between universities and enterprises have been developed and intensified during the past decade, PC HEIs need support and transfer of good practices for the creation of strategies and instruments in this domain; integrating lessons learned in Europe in the experiences and needs from the different target PCs constitutes an essential pillar of the project. Against this background, the project globally aims at contributing to the socio-economic development in the PCs by strengthening linkages between universities and enterprises in terms of cooperation and partnerships. Within that global purpose, specific objectives of Hub4Growth are: (i) Strengthening managerial, strategic and administrative capacities of personnel of the 8 PC HEIs for the implementation of university-wide collaboration with local enterprises. (ii) Establishment and pilot implementation of interface structures (University-Enterprise Centres, UECs) and services for the development and maintenance of universities-enterprises cooperation at the 8 PC HEIs. To achieve the abovementioned objectives, the project is structured upon seven interrelated work packages: Need Analysis & Good Practices Capacity Building Set-up of the University – Business Centres (UECs) Quality Control & Monitoring Raising Awareness Sustainability Project Management ...

Date:21 Dec, 2018

EMMA: Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia EMMA is for funding exchange programme between Asia and Europe for individual mobility flows of academics from Partner Countries. This programme is sponsored by the Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Commission. Awardees are undergraduate, master, PhD students, PostDocs and Staff from European and Asian partners countries. This is a great opportunity to spend one semester, one year, or more to study abroad, for students and to teach, be trained and do research abroad, for post Doc and staffs from Asian/European partner universities. The programme is built on a partnership of 17 Universities, 10 in Asia and 7 in Europe. University of Nice (France) is the programme coordinator and University of Da Nang (Vietnam) the co-coordinator. There will be three selection processes with application in Fall 2013 (Staffs and Doctoral students), in Fall 2014 (mainly Undergraduate and  Master Asian students and Asian Post Doc) and in Fall 2015 (mainly European students and postdocs).

Date:23 Jan, 2018

UNICAM is an abbreviation of project title on “Implementing quality of education & training of the Young UNIversities in rural area of CAMbodia”. UNICAM is a three-year (2015 – 2018) project, co-funded by the European Union uder the Erasmus+ Programme for the action Capacity-Building in Higher Education (CBHE). The main objective of the project is to enhance higher-education quality and develop human resources, and build  university capacity through implementing comprehensive curriculum for Master´s programme in Sustainable Agriculture, and advance training courses at young universities in the rural areas of Cambodia. The UNICAM project focus on the four public Universities in rural areas of Cambodia, recently established in the Northwest, near the Thai border (University of Battambang (UBB) and Mean Chey University (MCU) and Southeast, near the Vietnamese border (Svay Rieng University (SRU) and Chea Sim University of Kamchaymear (CSUK). They play very important role to develop human resources for agricultural sector at the rural areas. Collaboration with four EU universities, including University of Girona (UdG – Catalonia, Spain), Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III. (UPS – France), Ghent University (UGent – Belgium), and Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (UNIVAQ – Italy).

Objectives - Enhance the knowledge, skill and attitudes 
- Acquire theoretical and practical knowledge
- Promote the exchange of experiences
- Improve the institutional capacity.   The specific objectives: - To enhance higher-education quality - To develop human resources - To build university capacity   Innovative character of the UNICAM project To address an internationally recognized education systems on sustainable agriculture To take advantage to be able to conduct research on sustainable agriculture in the hotspot areas that is currently contaminated due to population and economic increases To transfer these methodologies to an inter-regional network and combine it with their recognized expertise To generate collaborative genuine products that are expected to have a sustained international scientific impact   Project activity and methodology Methodological/technological innovations will be included:   A comprehensive master’s curriculum on Sustainable Agriculture to meet the requirements of job market at SEA regional scale Exchange programmes, internship and research stay at abroad Field work in Cambodia and abroad for exploring and learning to find out main issues to deal with, and opportunities in the SEA region The advanced training courses (ATC) and exchange programs among the universities for academic staff and young researchers (e.g. research and teaching skills) and also among the four Cambodian universities to share their experience Providing seed grants for young researchers in order to improve and build their capacities up in development of technological innovations, which are related to sustainable agriculture, food safety and environmental conservation Develop an academic journal for publishing research articles to disseminate research findings as well as to strengthen their capacities Annual scientific conference at regional level to provide opportunities for them to improve and upgrade their knowledge through participating in the scientific meeting

Master of Sustainable Agriculture (MSA) at Svay Rieng University...

Date:29 Nov, 2018
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